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W3 Awards : Silver Winner ! 본문


W3 Awards : Silver Winner ! 2007. 10. 17. 02:51

사용자 삽입 이미지

오늘 또 아무 생각없이, 완전히 잊고 있었던 awards 수상소식을 받았다.
W3 Awards.

확인해보니 Silver Awards를 탔다. 카테고리가 많아서인지 Silver 수상작들도 굉장히 많다.;;
그래도 실버트로피는 받을것 같긴 한데.ㅋ 우편물을 집으로 보냈다는데 현재로썬 확인이 어렵네.

Silver Award Winners

Credited Organization City/State/Country
Half Price Books Dallas/TX/USA Seoul//South Korea
Hanson Inc Maumee/OH/USA
Happy Trails Animation Portland/OR/USA
hawkeye Dallas/TX/USA
HealthPricer Interactive Vancouver/British Columbia/Canada
Heroic Age Studios Mt. Zion/IL/USA, Scripps Networks Online Knoxville/TN/USA
Hitchcock Fleming & Associates Inc. Akron/OH/USA

Webby때도 카테고리갯수가 워낙 많다보니 수상작이 한도끝도 없이 많기는 했지만,
이 W3도 마찬가지로 엄청 많음. ;

어찌됐든, 뜻밖의 Silver Awards를 얻게 되어서 하나님께 감사.

>> View W3 Awards Winners



About The W³ Awards

The W³ Awards honors creative excellence on the web, and recognizes the creative and marketing professionals behind award winning sites, videos and marketing programs. Simply put, the is the first major web competition to be accessible to the biggest agencies, the smallest firms, and everyone in between. Small firms are as likely to win as Fortune 500 companies and international agencies.

The is sanctioned and judged by the International Academy of the Visual Arts, an invitation-only body consisting of top-tier professionals from a “Who’s Who” of acclaimed media, interactive, advertising, and marketing firms. IAVA members include executives from organizations such as Alloy, BRANDWEEK, Coach, The Ellen Degeneres Show, Estee Lauder, HBO, iNDELIBLE,, MTV, Omnicom, Polo Ralph Lauren, Refinery, Sotheby’s Institute of Art, Victoria’s Secret, Wired, Yahoo!, and many others.

Just by entering, you honor the work of your team. And recognition from the Academy proves to your clients and your peers that your work is truly outstanding. The is your opportunity to be honored as the best of the Web.

